Monday, October 12, 2015

This was once our next door neighbor`s house...
This is me at age ten
This is me at age three
This is me
This is me at age 16

My older sister`s high school photo

My older brother, on the right, next to his wife`s brother, and his son, in Hawaii where he was living..

This is a friend, I once knew, who was the gold medal winner of the pole vault in the Mexico City Summer Olympics, Bob Seagren
This photo is me, at age 13, on the right, next to my older brother, at age 18, in front of our So. Calif. residence..We had just gotten out of church, which my mom insisted that we attend on Sunday mornings (the reason for us being dressed up)..

This is the high school in the city in which we were raised, in So. Calif., which had burned down earlier..

This is me at age nine in Film Star Jane Russell`s swimming pool in Sherman Oaks, Ca....Our cousin once worked for Miss Russell as a live-in house servant...(the reason for us visiting her at Miss Russell`s home and for me being in the pool)

This is me, on the right, at age eleven, along side a neighborhood friend, in the rear of our So. Calif. home, next to the garage..

This was taken at Newport Beach, Ca...My older brother, on the left, at age 16, me in the middle, at age eleven, and my brother-in -law on the right

This photo was taken at a beach near Tampa, Florida, on the Gulf of Mexico...Me, on the left, at age 12, along side my older sister...

   Floyd Cramer...Last Date